Anelli, Giuseppe

Anelli Giuseppe was born in Trigolo (Cremona) on May
19th 1873, son of Giovanna Cabrini and Antonio Anelli.
His father was an excellent organist in the Parish Church
a n d i n 1 8 4 8 h e f o r m e d t h e l o c a l m u s i c g roup “San
Benedetto”. When his father died in 1891 Giuseppe - who
had studied music in Milan - inherited his place as an
o rg a n i s t a n d a s d i re c t o r o f t h e m u s i c g roup, which
meanwhile had been named “Banda Musicale Operaia San
Benedetto”. He improves his musical knowledge and at
22 he graduates as a “Music Teacher” at the Music School
of Bologna, congratulated by the judging commission.
Anelli conducts the band enthusiastically and with great
ability: he makes changes and participates in several
music contests. He writes musical pieces which are more
a n d m o re o f t e n p l a y e d a n d h e re c e i v e s p r i z e s a n d
recognition for his numerous compositions. During these
years he forms the music band “Genivoltese” (Genivolta
1902), the “Ciclofanfara” (Soresina 1905) and a chorus
(Fiesco). At the end of 1907 he leaves all his commitments
to move to Carmagnola, where he wins the contest to
become conductor of the local band. Between 1908 and
1923 Anelli conducts the bands of Carmagnola, Bra,
Carignano and Racconigi at the same time. He creates and
c o n d u c t s a p h i l h a r m o n i c o rc h e s t r a i n F o s s a n o a n d
subsequently in Paesana and Envie, in the province of
Cuneo. For two years in a row he wins the composition
c o n t e s t s o rg a n i z e d b y t h e R o y a l I n s t i t u t i o n “ L’ A r t e
Melodrammatica” of Palermo and in 1916 he becomes a
member (Socio Artista) of this important school. During
his career Giuseppe Anelli obtains a lot of prizes, among
them: 16 certificates, 3 ebony batons, 47 diplomas, 8
distinctions, 6 gold medals, 14 silver medals and 2 bronze
m e d a l s . O n e o f h i s p i e c e s , t h e s y m p h o n y n a m e d
“Risorgimento Italiano”, obtains great recognition and
is performed with great success also abroad (Australia,
France, Germany, the USA a n d S w i t z e r l a n d ) u n t i l i t
becomes a compulsory piece in the most important music
contests of the time (together with other pieces of his).
More and more often he is nominated President or Member
of juries of music events in Italy and abroad. In 1924 he
is asked to conduct the Chorus and Instrumental Music
Schools of Saluzzo and he forms the new local band. He
dies suddenly in August 1926 in Turin at the age of 53,
leaving behind him an enormous musical patrimony: 12
pieces of secular music, 20 pieces of sacred music, 16
instrumental pieces, 10 figure dances, 3 band fantasias,
4 f u n e r a l m a rc h e s , 3 5 b a n d m a rc h e s , 4 f a n f a re s , 5
re l i g i o u s m a rc h e s , 2 3 m a z u r k a s , 1 m i n u e t ( h a r p ) , 3
operas, 2 operettas, 1 pantomime, 1 poem, 24 polkas, 1
collection of children’s songs, 23 waltzes.

EMW Edizioni Musicali Wicky


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20149 - Milano, Italia
P.IVA IT09835240152

Tel: (+39) 02 460 412